Children's and School Dentist

The children's and school dentist provides dental care to all children and youth up to 18 years old in the southern half of Suðuroy. Children are first called in for examinations at the age of 3 and typically visit about three times a year for check-ups.

The children's and school dentist in Vágur is organized in cooperation with Rudie Thomsen's Dental Clinic. The children's and school dentist is located on the 2nd floor of the Health Center in Vágur.

Specialist Dentist

Vágur Municipality collaborates with specialist dentists in Klaksvík, among others.

Opening hours

Monday: 08.00 – 14.00
Tuesday – Thursday: 08.00 – 16.00
Friday: 08.00 – 12.00


Bústaður: Vágsvegur 77

Telefon: 373074

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